Geosoft Geosurface File Format (*.geosoft_surface)

Geosoft geosurfaces are 3D vector files that store the results of wireframing or isosurface creation. 3D DXF files and GOCAD surfaces can also be imported into geosurface files.

Geosurfaces store the following information:

  • XYZ locations

  • Coordinate system

  • Attributes including surface names, colours and fill

Closed surfaces are the result of wireframing polygons; they can be used in voxel math expressions.

Open surfaces are the result of wireframing polylines.

Several closed and open surfaces from a wireframing session can be saved to the same geosurface file. Additionally, the surface names in a geosurface are set based on the feature names from the Interpretations Geodatabase used in the wireframing session.

  • Isosurfaces can contain both open and closed surfaces within an isosurface level. If there are any open objects in the isosurface, they will be tagged as “Open” in the Attributes for the highlighted surface. There is also the option to create a closed shell at the specified surface level when creating an isosurface. This closed surface can be used in voxel math expressions. Many isosurfaces extracted from the same voxel can be saved to the same geosurface.